Nursing College

Kamalnayan Bajaj Nursing College

Student Nurses Association (SNA)

About SNA

The Student Nurses Association (SNA) is a nationwide organization of Nursing students. This was formed by the Trained Nurses Association of India to provide the right platform for the nursing students to facilitate the all round development and accredit them to join TNAI as qualified nurses

Awide variety of activities are encouraged at all levels for the SNA members keeping in view the aims nad objectives of the organization. The activities are derived from the professional,social,cultural and recreational spheres to strengthen curricular and extra curricular activities of the student nurses.

Kamlnayan Bajaj Nursing college was extblished in the year 2010.and the SNA unit was established in 2011.Students are enrolled into SNA in the first yaer of their training and every year the membership is renewed.


The aim of SNA is to provide programs representative of fundamental and current professional interest concerns to nursing students . membership in SNA aids in the development of whole person including the professional role.


1. To uphold the dignity and honor of the nursing profession
2. To promote participation in student community affairs
3. To involve the students in intercollegiate sports and cultural activities
4. To promote collaborative relationships with various health organizations
5. To promote collaborative relationships with various health organizations
6. To bring out the talents and confidence of the students for the upliftment of self and society
7. To inculcate the value of espirit de corps
8. To develop leadership abilities among the students
9. To improve the students social contacts to enhance professional growth

Activities of SNA

* Professional

1. Organisation of meetings and conferences
2. Maintenance of SNA diary
3. Propogation of Nursing profession

* Educational

1. Exhibition 2. Public speaking and writing 3. Projects 4. Awards and Prizes

* Sociocultural and recreational activities

* Fund raising

Committees of SNA

1. Mess Committee
2. Hostel committee
3. Editorial Committee
4. Library Committee
5. Disciplinary Committee
6. Sports Committee
7. Cultural Committee
8. Health committee

Activities Planned for 2019 -2020 Celebration of Health Days as follows:

Sr.No August 2019 Breast Feeding Week
1. SeptemberTeachers day
World Heart Day
Freshers Party
SNA election and AGBM
2. OctoberMental Health Day
Global hand washing day
Medical Surgical nursing Week
3. NovemberWorld Diabetes day
4. DecemberWorld Diabetes Day
5. January 2020College week
6. FebruaryWorld Cancer day
7. MarchInternational Womens day
World Tubeculosis day
World Kidney day
Farewell for the outgoing students
8. AprilWorld Health day
9. MayInternational Nurses Day
Midwives Day

  1. Students will participate in the SNA meetings of the city ,State and National conferences

  2. They will take part in health rally and camps organized by the Government and Kamalnayan Bajaj Hospital

  3. They will also participate in oral polio campaign and MMR vaccine campaign

  4. Picnic will be planned for all the students