Safe handling of chemotherapy drugs 2018
Chemotherapy is an aggressive form of chemical drug therapy meant to destroy rapidly growing cells in the body.
Effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge about safety measures regarding handling of chemotherapy drugs.
1) To assess the knowledge regarding safety measures used by nurses while handling chemotherapy drugs.
2)To determine the level of knowledge on safe handling of chemotherapy drugs by staff nurse.
At 0.05 level of significance
H0- There will be no significant difference in knowledge score regarding safe handling of Chemotherapy drugs before and after administration of self instructional module.
H1- There will be significant difference in knowledge score regarding safe handling of chemotherapy drugs before and after administration of self instructional module:
Materials & Methods:
Experimental study was conducted on 30 samples by simple random sampling .Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for data analysis.
Findings of the study showed posttest knowledge score was adequate 83.33% which was increased as compare to pretest i.e10% and no sample had inadequate knowledge score in posttest
Every student nurses should be encouraged to do the safe handling techniques of cancer drugs and thus will gate acquainted to these method. The skill will also be developed by practicing it.